

February 1, 2007

Breaking Edge

What does breaking edge really mean? Can you drink once or smoke pot once or have a one night stand and still be straight edge? What if you slip up, something sets you off, you make a bad judgment, fall to peer pressure, something really bad happens to you or someone close to you?

A bit ago I was talking with some friends, some SxE and some not, and we discussed this point. I originally felt that you couldn't claim edge again if you broke edge. But I think now that breaking edge is a more deliberate and conscious decision. Failing at staying Straight Edge shouldn't be looked at as a strict declaration of un-claiming edge. If you did something un-edge with the thought that you can re-claim afterwards then you broke edge. Life throws A LOT of crap at us, and being perfect is impossible, so expecting yourself to never fall prey to something that drives you over the edge (no pun intended) would be way to pious of anyone.

So I think as long as understand why you failed to stay edge for that moment in time and make a re-commitment to being Straight Edge then you can continue to claim and still be TRUExTILLxDEATH.


Anonymous said...

..I'm sorry for my opinion in this matter, for it shall disturb some and their self reasons for being sXe, but I think if you fall short and happen to break this bond you made with YOURSELF... then you arnt edge.
It was something you promised yourself and nobody else... so if you still had it in you to go and f*ck your brain up by throwing a miniature "my life sucks" pity party.. then you were never edge.. just doing it to follow this trend that is swiping America, but cant handle what you put on your plate.. *shallow tears*

Anonymous said...

I have been Straight Edge since 1988. I guess as a married man with two children i find it strange to still consider myself straight edge. I guess i am as i have never fallen off the edge, except taking communion when i go to church.
I always felt the 'True till death'rhetoric was pretty pathetic and always had the ring of a spoilt child when ever i listened to Chain of Strenghth.
Do it for yourself and no one else. Don't ever judge anyone if they lose their edge. Does it really affect you? We straight edgers are quoting and misquoting song lyrics like fundamental religion zealots quoting the bible and the Koran. It's time to break this petty crap and all start to grow up. I can see why Ian Mckaye sees the whole scene as a joke.
If i wanted to join a cult i'd join one. I don't though. I made a lifestyle choice when i was a teenager and throughout my life experiences i've had no reason to change. If you had a terminal illness and was informed that smoking weed would help with the pain what would you do? I honestly don't know but there would be a chance 'i'd be sitting at home, play atari, smoking weed like rastafari'. That's abit of Murphy's Law for ya!!

Anonymous said...

Personally I think that anyone can go back to being straight edge as long as you really fucking care about it. Everyone fucks up at some point or has some kind of shit to deal with. I broke edge a couple of months ago by smoking because my dad was an abusive cunt and I had to go to therapy and a bunch of other stuff. Lots of my friends keep telling me that I can't go back to being edge anymore even thought i quit smoking. So even though I had a legit reason to break edge, I stil can't go back? And what about all of the stoners and drunks and smokers who quit with their shit and sober up and wanna be edge? Like PlayRadioPlay? Personally, I always believe in second chances. Just don't go making it a habit to break edge then go back and forth and back and forth. Its a serious commitment and sometimes we just can't handle it all the time. Straight Edge should also help you to find strength to get through those hard parts in life. Sorry for the venting, I just felt like sharing my opinion. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"I always felt the 'True till death'rhetoric was pretty pathetic and always had the ring of a spoilt child when ever i listened to Chain of Strength."

I've felt the same way since "Me against the world" Popped up in one of my playlists. What a joke.

Anonymous said...
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phreekk said...

Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion. To me I see Straight Edge as a commitment that means something, it's not just words, it's not just ink, it's my life. So to me it rings true to how I live and it tells me how I'll die.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks they can re-claim edge after breaking it deliberately is dearly mistaken.. Straight Edge is a commitment that requires you to not drink, smoke, or participate in promiscuous sex... do one of these three and you are no longer Straight Edge.. so all you niggas thinkin otherwise, get a fuckin clue

Anonymous said...

I have been straight edge since i was 14, and it doesnt matter who you are, you cant force your opinions on anyone. I chose to be Pro Choice because its whats right for ME. and straight edge isnt about committing without mistake for life. everyone makes mistakes. so if you think you cant make one mistake and reclaim, YOU get a fucking clue. obviously straight edge means differently to some. a commitment is a commitment. whether you just smoked pot, or whether youve been SxE your whole life.
SxE Pro Choice.

Anonymous said...

This is fucked. If you break than your done for good? What the fuck are you promoting? This is supposed to be a positive life style where yes, we dont consume mind altering chemicals, but also are there for our communities and friends. What the hell are you doing when you are slamming down someone for "breaking edge?" Your playing a power role and burning in your sence of self-righteousness... which does nothing for our scene or community. If your so fucking edge then come to a soup kitchen and help the people that have been effected by drugs the most. Work at a youth shelter. Dont sit around and act like your better cause you didnt fuck up. We're all people, some in different situations and just because you grew up in white middle class america dosnt mean you have the right to ignore your state of priviledge and act like a fucking zealot.

also, your not straightedge unless your vegan. theres steroids in meat and morphine in chease and its terrible for you and for the animals you kill.

Anonymous said...

personally i think that while breaking edge is bad, you can always go back. of course its a commitment but its also a lifestyle choice. just because someone may slip up once shouldnt condem their choice of going back

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't immediately rule out the notion of reclaiming edge. It's not some pompous, or exclusive club, but a personal lifestyle you take on. There seems to be a lot of criticism when it comes to someone breaking edge and then returning to it. It's blatant hypocrisy, that much is certain, but then again everyone is a hypocrite to certain degree in their own in way. You're only ever as straight edge as much as you make your life to be. It's all in how honest you are with yourself. You're not straight edge if you keep on falling back into your old habits. With that, I also think it's important to forget about all the people who might judge you, because really, at the end of the day that shouldn't affect the way you live your life. So do I think it's possible to reclaim edge after you've broken it, yes, I do. Of course, i don't mean this in some loose sense. Just be honest with yourself, if you claim edge, live the lifestyle regardless of the difficulties of life.