

March 31, 2009

Hot Straightedge Punks

I just found these lyrics for a song about Hot Straightedge Punks and thought I'd share cause hey I'm a hot straight edge punk (at least I think so):

chourus: you may not be like Kurt Cobain,but with you i cannot complain. I know all you guys are hard to find,Hot straightedge punks you make my love life rock out loud!
1rst verse: hey! i'm just a plain punk girl, trapped in a huge messed up world, full of gangstas, preps & wrist cutting emo kids. just unique with my own style & yet it has to make me smile,because i know that i am not alone
2nd verse: i see him walking down,turning frowns upside down. my heart beats faster with every step he takes. a punk with no booze or drugs unlike those other thugs. oh why cant there much more guys just like you?
3rd verse: i just think its so damn brave. another ones life saved. you're not weak just very cautious. i just think it's so fly that ur not drunk or high. Hey straightedge punk, don't ever change that habit please!

Written by Selenalunarox

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