Is CM Punk giving Straight Edge a bad name? Straight Edge gets a lot of bad press already because of hardline edgers that have formed gangs and fight people that smoke or drink. Young Straight Edge kids act beyond proud by proclaiming their edge following via obnoxious attitudes and raucous behavior. And now with CM Punks Straight Edge Society his fans are chanting that they are better than everyone else because they are Straight Edge.
To me Straight Edge is a personal choice. If someone else isn't Straight Edge I am not bothered or offended or upset in any way. I simply choose not to drink or smoke. But to others it has become a banner to wave in peoples faces. It is now a new way to offend people.
I was originally happy when I heard about CM Punk the Straight Edge wrestler. I figured it would be a possible positive way to introduce the philosophy to many new people that otherwise would live in what is commonly a non-edge lifestyle. But his arrogance (yes I understand it's an act, wrestling is fake and is entertainment) has spread to his followers.
How long will their interest last? Do they even understand the philosophy behind Straight Edge? Do they know the history and the culture of its origins? Not that one needs to know who Ian MacKaye is or even listen to hardcore, but I think it's important to understand what Straight Edge came from, to understand its origin as a rebellion against the typical drunken and drugged punk lifestyle.
If you're SxE and you became it because of CM Punk, please comment here and let me know.
Feel free to also comment on twitter, You can find me as @phreekk and you should tagyour Edge tweets with #StraightEdge or #SxE