

July 2, 2007

Alcohol in Mouthwash and Food

So Crest recently introduced an alcohol free mouthwash.  It made me think about how others that are Straight Edge deal with products or food that contain alcohol.  I use regular mouthwash with alcohol because it's purpose is for cleaning and it's effective at what it does.  I do however avoid foods that contain alcohol when the original purpose of the alcohol was for drinking, such as rum or whiskey.  If it's a cooking alcohol, like cooking rice wine (as used in teriyaki sauce), then I am okay with that since the alcohol is burned off and and the reason behind using it is purely for chemistry and not to taste like something like rum.  So I'm curious to know what other's out there that are Straight Edge think about this and what are your personal beliefs, will you switch to an alcohol free mouthwash?  Do you avoid all foods that contain alcohol?


Andrea Goulette said...

Alcohol in other products.

I avoid the whole kit and kaboodle. No mouth wash, no food cooked with alcohol even if it's cooked off. I view it in the sense that even ordering a meal say from Chili's or Ruby Tuesday with the name of "Jack Daniels" or other alcohol is supporting something I don't agree with. Dark chocolate has less to no caffiene then milk chocolate. Even some decaf has a small amount of caffiene. In short I avoid as many products as possible. I've been straight edge for 23 years and I plan to be until I die. If you have any more questions shoot me an e-mail at AL007LTK@aol.com

Anonymous said...

i think its important to stop trying to knock down being straight edge, with all these technicalities, "your not sxe cause you use mouthwash" etc. i know you (original writer) are not trying to do that, but it got me thinking,
here's the deal, straight edge, we stay away from obvious things that are harmful, both to our bodies, and to society, drinking, smoking, etc. anyone that tries to use an argument like, for example taking medication for an illness, as your taking drugs, your not sxe", these arguments are totally moot.

Anonymous said...

i think that it is ridiculous to be so hardcore about anything. but to each his own. I personally think that so long as you generally do your best to avoid things that are harmful to your body than you are fine. what gets me is that everyone is concerned about caffeine and yet eating horribly unhealthy food is okay. Alcohol will get into the body in some way, be it your food or being spilled on you. As far as i understand it a small amount of alcohol is actually healthy for you. But i do abstain completely from alcohol and foods that taste like alcohol. I am pretty much on the same page as you as far as i can tell.

Anonymous said...

I also use mouthwash regularly. Mouthwash such as Listerine does have alcohol in it but it is a different type of alcohol such as rubbing alcohol, and it does not alter the body or mind in any way. As you said your using it to clean your mouth and rinsing it out, you aren't consuming it. My dad cooks a lot and sometimes he makes food with per say sherry wine, which is used primarily for cooking, but the alcohol is always cooked out of it completely. I don't support alcohol in any way though, commercials, restaurants, anything that uses alcohol in their products or to appeal disgusts me, so if im out I won't order things that have alcohol when I know there are plenty other things to eat. Im Straight Edge, im abstaining from harmful addictions, none of these things alter my body and they don't instigate addiction. As far as medicines, painkillers, prescriptions. I take them when I know that they will significantly help me. I don't take any painkillers unless the pain is unbearable,ill take a small dose of cold medicine or something and if I have a bacteria I will take some sort of prescribed antibiotic.

I've been wondering where others stood on this also, thanks.


Anonymous said...

What I find truly funny is how stupid you kids are. I'm going to assume that everyone of this site who is 'oh so sxe' are between 15 - and 25.

Its been said a thousand times over, and let me be the one to say it again. You will not be straight edge your whole life. Trust me on this. Its a known fact. The people in this world who just decide to not smoke, drink or do drugs are the people who will make it thru life this way. The day someone proclaims they are sxe is the day the clock starts ticking until they break from it. Happens every single time.

Why? Because you are all stupid. Wow...lets not consume caffeine because its not good for our bodies. But it's ok to have unprotected sex and take health risks that way. Let me watch every single one of you ingesting candy, fast food and every sugary snack every invented or even cooked by your own veg/vegan/non hands.

I've been into the hardcore scene for 20+ years and have been sxe and vegan for that 20+ years. It's a lie to say that it's just your choice and not pushed on anyone. Bullshit. You hang out in your little circle of friends and go make fun of the kid standing over in the corner smoking a cig or even with x's on his hand (minus the cig). You'll be laughing it up w/your friends just like all you fags do.

How small is your world when you are actually debating using Listerine Mouthwash? What the fuck is wrong with you people? You do understand that the rest of the world could give two shits about your white, middle class suburban plight? Your struggle...hahahaha. Get real. Every one of you who chooses to not ingest all of these products/substances then turns to mommy & daddy to fund the added expense of getting the more expensive alcohol free mouthwash or organic produce, etc.

Read a newspaper once in a while. There are more important causes than not smoking, drinking or doing drugs. Or as you like to also say...not doing things that are harmful to your body.

Getting tattoos is desecrating your body. But hey, that's fine, right?

phreekk said...

To anonymous:
This is my blog, just a simple site devoted to one interest in my life. I think you need to stand back and wonder why you are judging others. I'm straight edge for myself. I made this choice myself and many others have as well. I became straight edge at 25 and I'm still edge at 30 and I will be till the day I die. Why? Because I care about myself and not what others think.

My world is more than being straight edge and I'm sure others that post on this site are the same. So a single post that speaks to people's view points on a topic is a valid place to discuss this. I don't discuss the history of ancient gnostic gospels or or anti-war protests or programming algorithms (other interests of mine) on this site because there are other places for that.

I was originally not going to publish your comment because it's so negative, but I felt that I needed to respond to you and ask you why you need to be the type of person to say things about others. It seems that you were only straight edge for those 20+ years you were in the hardcore scene and are now upset that you can no longer claim to be edge. What made you break edge? I think you should spend time worrying about yourself before you say things about people you know nothing about.

To everyone else I am very happy to hear your points on this topic and I will post more discussion entries in the future. And please keep the comments coming.

Helen A. Handbasket said...

I like that we have a good dialogue going on here, minus the random bouts of cynicism. I have a similar query that I'd like to get some feedback on. I'm a total foodie. I love cooking more than... shit, most things. Recently, I've been digging through the family cook books, because I want to keep that legacy alive. My dilemma is not that some of the recipes have alcohol in them. I'm all for eating food that has the alcohol flavor left over. My problem is this: Would it be ethical for me to buy the cooking alcohols that are going into the food?

DaveisHardcore said...

I personally avoid anything that has an alcoholic brand name in it
Example: Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce because this is just a way for Jack Daniels to start getting to people at a younger age. (I believe Budweiser also have a BBQ sauce now.)

I don't see my family so much these days but when I do my mum likes to cook us all dinner. She likes to cook with wine. White or Red usually. The alcohol is burned out of the food during cooking so this is not a problem. She puts whatever brand of wine she can find (usually the cheapeast because hey, it's just for flavour) and make some form of chicken or beef dish for us all.

I'm Straight Edge. I'm not a Vegan. I don't DRINK alcohol. I don't SMOKE cigarrettes and I don't TAKE drugs.

I follow those 3 corner stones of SxE. No more. No less.

Andy Imprint said...

Im going to be honest i've been reading here and kinda laughing. i used to think the same thing about alcohol being burned off in cooking until looked into it. very rarely is the alcohol completely burned off.look here http://homecooking.about.com/library/archive/blalcohol12.htm but i'm edge and i'm proud so i ill tell you this. . . edge is about avoiding habits that arent good for you. i use mouthwash because its healthy to do so. i read a comment that said its not mind altering. that too is wrong. ive seen and read about people drinkng mouthwash to get drunk. . . . and they do. i eat food containing alcohol im sure. i love food. but what are we supposed to do stop eating? no just dont support the alcohol companies! are we supposed to stop drinking drinks? there goes coffee soda hot chocolate, and a lot of other drinks! are we supposed to stop everything? stop living? no we have made a decision to become sxe and that is a good start. Dont drink dont smoke dont fuck is where it all began and where it still remains. its up to us to keep it alive. and when you hear someone say no one is edge forever its bullshit. look at the band h2o 40 something years strong now. yeah ian mackaye broke big whoop look at have hearts lyrics to "something more than ink" if that song doesnt keep your love for straight edge burning i dont know what will

Andy Imprint said...

and as an addition i want everyone who claims straight edge to remember that straight edge is more than dont drink dont smoke and dont do drugs. the third X is for no casual or promiscuous sex. if you are in a relationship and feel like you are ready to make that commitment to yourself and your partner then you should do it. no one night stands, no hooking up, no sleeping around. you cant live drug free with an std. just want to add that because all i ever hear or read is dont drink dont smoke dont do drugs. its wrong get your shit straight before yo commit to a lifestyle