

January 13, 2008

Life with a non-edge Partner

This year I will be getting married. My fiancé is not Straight Edge, but she has been extremely acceptive of my choice. She doesn't smoke but occasionally has a drink when out with friends. When I chose to be Straight Edge I found it difficult to date, especially in New York, as many girls here drink and find it odd when a guy doesn't drink.

I try to eat very healthy and try to be completely poison free when I eat. I don't eat fried foods, I am lactose intolerant, and I won't eat any food that has been cooked with alchohol (even if it has been cooked off completely.) My fiancé has always been helpful whenever we are out someplace or visiting people to make sure that there is something I can eat and that it doesn't contain alcohol.

Being Straight Edge with someone that is not could lead to a difficult relationship with some people; I have read instances online of other Edgers that have had to leave partners because they weren't accepting enough or that they didn't completely understand.

I'm writing this post mainly to just speak to the fact that being SxE and marrying someone that is not SxE can work. I'd like to know about other SxE people that have had good and bad experiences with non-edge partners as well as those that have found a SxE partner and feel that that has been best for them.

January 2, 2008

Drunk Messaging

I find it completely hilarious when people feel the need to anonymously attack others for their beliefs. It is even funnier when it's done by proxy; someone who doesn't even know me felt it was necessary to have his "friend" send me a message over MySpace. I thought this message was funny so I posted it here (name withdrawn to protect the ignorant):

how can you possibly consider yourself human? when i am absolutely positive you gargle semen....you so called straight edged pussy...i can smell the burnt trojans from here you fucking fudge packing receptacle...i wish you nothing but clamidia for 2008.... go ahead and try to be somthing your not cause you can't fuckin deal. try to be different "straight edge" cause the norm has no problem to deal with life the way they do. Stop living in high school and at your parents ideals cause you can't seem to deal with life on your own "oh life is so hard when ur different" grow a pair of bulls pussy, your just fuckin sad...... tee heee heee teee heee heee heee

What is most amusing is that those that spout the most homophobic crap are typically gay, and those that hate Straight Edge people the most are typically the ones that end up failing out of rehab or dead in a gutter. I've never said my life was hard or I can't deal with the norm, if normal means being drunk and stupid then I don't want to be normal. In fact I think I have a great life and being Straight Edge has only made it better. I have an amazing woman in my life, a terrific job and lots of great friends.

I wouldn't typically respond to this kind of message but I just thought it was pretty funny how pathetic someone's life must be to write that kind of crap.