

February 11, 2008


Recently I started watching Intervention on A&E and tonight I saw an episode where a woman was so addicted to alcohol that she was drinking mouthwash. This woman was like a typical PTA type mid west soccer mom (at least before she went down the drain.) How can people let themselves go that far, especially when they have children. It's sad to think about how many people are like this in America. I seriously hope that this show will open people's eyes and get more people into rehab, whether through interventions or on their own.

I think I would like Straight Edge to move beyond the community and beyond the music to give more people the chance to choose a lifestyle that will give them the opportunity to be proud of living a life that is poison free. I know that the special community that exists for us now is awesome and I'm extremely proud to be part of it, and I know that the music is the reason it exists today, but I think that SxE has so much to offer the world around us. No soccer mom would truly understand what this means, but if more American youth would leave behind the crutch of drugs and alcohol and make the choice to be themselves then it would benefit everyone in our world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This show will have no impact on straight edge or how many kids claim. With saying that, I do love this show...because it seems so real. The thing I always look for is the breaking point, how someone needed a crutch for living day to day. In most cases something major happened in their life that changed the persons perception of the world.

anyways, stay gold.