

October 11, 2006


People seem to have these preconceived ideas about Straight Edge and it bothers me, I'm just like everyone else, I just don't do some things. They tend to think that being SxE makes me judgemental or egotistic. I'm not and I know plenty of other SxE people that don't judge and don't think they are better than anyone else. Sure, like I've mentioned before, there are those that ruin a scene and in SxE some are judgemental (even militant) but most are not. I guess even beyond the whole stereotype thing I'm bothered by the fact that some people don't like to even hang around people that are SxE, they think that if they drink and I don't that I'll see them at their worst. Sure that happens, but if they want to be my friend they'll understand that they've seen me at my worst, it's just not while drinking.

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