

September 11, 2006

Everything in Moderation is a Cowards Way Out

How many times have you heard someone tout the adage "Everything in moderation"? I think it's a weak way to look at life. I think as a human you need to be able to take a stance on things and be able to know what is not worth having in your life. If everything in moderation was something worth living by, then heroin in moderation would be fine, grain alchohol in moderation is okay, sex with prostitutes is good. Where do you draw the line? As long as you don't over indulge in these things then you're fine right, according to the axiom.

So you're probably thinking that I'm going over the edge (no pun intended) to make a point by talking about things that a "normal" person wouldn't say they would do in moderation. But even alchol or marijuana or cigarettes, things done by the "normal" people, in moderation is still something that harms your body and mind. Despite what people say about a glass of red wine being good for you in some way, it also has it's bad qualities. Alchohol is a depressant and can become a crutch and easily abused even when used in moderation. Marijuana effects the mind and dulls the senses, and cigarettes are addictive, controling and kill you. But I guess a slow death in moderation is okay.

Now I'm not the kind of person to push my beliefs on others or say I'm right and you're wrong. This is just my forum for discussing my beliefs. If you think I'm wrong about this or anything else, leave a comment and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I have been accused all my life of being an extremist.. everyone tells me.. moderation.. moderation.. damn I say moderation is just our convenience.. and damn!! convenience for us these days has just become mother of all gods.. kill, rape, have wars, butcher animals everything in name of moderation and convenience.. and then put up a sobby face with ignorance is bliss attitude.. stupid humans..

Anonymous said...

It's the collaborated apathy of the world that's driving it into the ground. Pacifism, nihlism, whatever. Everything is about 'peace' and making sure no one is offended, but as the individual we are crushed by the government, while they stand by stupefied. I absolutely agree with your stand on this. Zero tolerance and determination is what gets things done.

-- alongwill@hotmail.com

asiankaos said...

I only half agree with you on this. I do believe that you must take a stand for things. I agree 100 % on that. But moderation on certain things is a good way. Maybe some people aren't against drinking like we are. But they don't believe in abusing it, or being drunk. Some people like the taste of wine. So in moderation is a good thing.

Lets look at this from a non sxe thing. Sweets, cake and stuff like that. Yes health wise you shouldn't eat it at all. But a slice of cake once a month isn't bad for you. So that is moderation.

Anonymous said...

Problem is if suicide bombers had thought everything in moderation maybe more good people would be alive! Extremism does so much damage! I lived with a total addict who couldn't do anything in moderation now Iv'e gone straight edge because I have been to too many funerals. I've watched too many people fuck up their lives. The illegal stuff does the damage then there's the junk food, sugar fat alcohol. I can't watch this anymore.People who are not addicts still damage themselves and their families by drinking. I do tell people I'm straight edge but I also laugh at myself. This is my answer, it may not be the next persons. I don't mind upsetting people who don't do as I do because seeing people I love off their face upsets me! By the way I have given up sugar. I had to go cold turkey because I was stupidly addicted. I may have the odd slice of cake one day. Straight edge is my lifestyle. It's not moderate but I'm not harming anyone either. If people in my life drink/smoke/ do drugs it really is up to them. If they are really mucking themselves up it's too heartbreaking to watch and everyone knows you can't help an addict. That isn't extremism it's common sense. Sometimes extremism is bad because it encourages stupidity and violence but in the area of putting crap in your body and not respecting yourself and the planet it's good. Just don't go round killing people!