

September 19, 2006

Punk Goes to the Movies

This Friday American Hardcore opens here in NY at the Angelika. It looks to be a great movie. I can't wait to see it. Unforunately I'm not sure I'll be able to see on friday, but once it goes to more theatres around the city at least it should be easy to catch. I definately am interested to see what amount of the film involves Straight Edge. I don't want it to be a passing phrase that's barely uttered and whispered. It seems that the stigma behind SxE has made it into something it's not. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Also coming out soon is the film Punk's Not Dead that will take on the more recent punk scene as opposed to a historical documentary view. This will be a film I am very interested to see since I didn't grow up in the hardcore scene or the early punk scene, being born during the start of punk I didn't quite experience it, so I have a more current interest. Hopefully it will be worth the wait, since no release date has been set yet.

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