

December 31, 2007

Earth Crisis Reunion Tour

Legendary metalcore band Earth Crisis have announced a few 2008 dates for a Reunion Tour. No New York or New Jersey dates are listed thus far, but hopefully they'll add a few more dates.

December 11, 2007

Author delves into Hare Krishna Straight Edge and Activism

Sarah Pike, a professor at Chico State in California is working on a book titled "Youth Culture and Radical Activism" which will contain a chapter on Hare Krishna Straight Edge. She has interviewed and focused on people that have become quite radical in their beliefs. One person she interviewed was released from prison after freeing minks from six fur farms.

Unfortunately she won't be finished for three years and the book will not focus on just Hare Krishna or Straight Edge. But I am pleased to find more authors diving into our world. Typically it seems that professors take a more unbiased position when they document the lives of Straight Edge people as opposed to that of television journalists. So I hope that her book will be an enlightening and educational experience.

November 30, 2007

Poison Free Blog Reader

So this isn't exactly SxE, but like the Tesla Roadster I wrote about last year, I'm all about electronic devices that (maybe not 100% of the time) help the environment. The Amazon Kindle is a cool new electronic reader, that's wireless and can download blogs (like this very one) and let you read it on the go with no waste of paper. I like the fact that it has a lot of features and is fairly small. I don't know enough about the battery, but would like to know how environment friendly or unfriendly it is.

November 20, 2007

Seventh Dagger stays true to roots and drops deal with Warner Brothers

Straight Edge record label Seventh Dagger was in talks with Warner Bros. for a distribution deal but decided to not go forward. I agree whole heartedly with Danny's decision. The big labels always try to find the next best thing and then over do it, drainthe life from it, and move on. They'd end up oversaturating hardcore and straight-edge with new artists that probably aren't even true to hardcore or SxE like they did with Avril (she was a little Shania Twain wanna-be that they turned into a pop-punk grrl, with no real punk attitude.)

It does make me worry though that Warner or another label is possibly looking to turn hardcore and straight-edge into something it's not. Let's hope for the best and if they screw with the genre, we will all be here after all the posers have come and gone.

October 22, 2007

National Edge Day

I just found out that October 17th is National Edge Day. I had no idea this existed. I find the idea intriguing as I do feel it is important to promote this belief (so long as it's done apporpriately.) I aptly celebrated the day by not drinking =) Edgefest in Boston was this past weekend in what I assume was to coincide with the closest weekend to the date. Did anyone do anything special on this day or past weekend?

So many people seem to think that letting other's know you are edge is a way of bragging or proving we are better than they are. But it's just another way to tell others about your beliefs and to give them the opportunity to discuss it and possible learn something new. I guess wearing a christian cross, a shopping bag that says "I'm not a plastic bag", or some other symbol or belief should be considered wrong and hateful by that standard. I'm only saying this as I came across a post about National Edge Day that was followed by people saying these type of things about people that are Edge. I honestly don't understand why someone that doesn't care about SxE would even click on a link that has Edge in the title.

October 16, 2007

Straight Edge TV

A film and television production company called Overboork Entertainment, formed by Will Smith, is working on a TV series for FX that will be a drama focused on a straight edge crew. Jada, Smith's Wife, came up with the idea; I guess her stint in the music biz has given her a lot of insight in what it means to be Straight Edge. The show is untitled and will revolve around Courage Crew an SxE crew from Ohio. I have no idea what to expect, and I don't want to assume the worst, but I doubt that it will be posi considering that most news and info about Courage Crew revolves around them allegedly beating up people that aren't edge.

September 16, 2007

Are you Edge?

Some people I meet that don't drink, smoke, or do drugs wonder if they are SxE even though they don't like hardcore. Sure you can be Straight Edge without listening to the music, I do recommend though that you learn the history of Straight Edge and understand that it is not a fad and something to be taken seriously. It should be a lifelong commitment, along with the understanding that it's your own commitment and that you should not condemn those that fail to keep their personal claim.

You don't have to listen to hardcore or go to shows to be Edge. Edge is about a promise to yourself to be poison free. It is a commitment to keep yourself clean forever. I never eat any foods with alcohol in them, like Jack Daniels steak sauce, but someone that simply doesn't drink most likely will not object to consuming it. Its like someone that doesn't eat meat but is not a vegetarian/vegan, you may not like the way it tastes, but you may not make an objection to a meat sauce lasagna and you probably will wear leather.

I personally believe that my choice to be edge has improved my life, has made me a clearer thinking person and has given me a stronger conviction towards all my beliefs.

September 15, 2007

Straight Edge and the Workplace

At my current job everyone knows I'm Straight Edge and I know that a few people there don't like it. It's caused a few issues with some. They felt I didn't like being around them when they drank or that I didn't like going out to bars with them. Honestly I don't mind it as long as the place is cool. I've never said a bad word about anyone there that drinks.

I'm starting a new job soon and I'm considering not even telling anyone unless it comes up in a very specific situation. It could be like the typical rule that you don't discuss religion and politics at work. My Edge is my own personal decision, but I don't want to feel like I am in any way ashamed of my beliefs because I am not discussing them with others that I will be spending a lot of time with.

September 14, 2007

Throwdown - Forever [Video]

I usually don't comment on videos or lyrics when I post them. But this is one of my favourite Throwdown songs! I always get pumped up and energized when I hear this song. When people say hardcore is dead or Straight Edge is dead, they need to wake up and realize that it's bigger than it ever was. "You dont know me/So dont judge me." Just because it's not '88 anymore and the bands have changed doesn't mean that it can't go on. There are plenty of great SxE bands and the community is larger now and global.

I think that most of the people that say negative things about Straight Edge are jealous that they don't have the same type of convictions, or they are upset that they need to have a crutch to get on with life. It always comes from the guy that smokes way too much and says stuff like "I can quit whenever I want" or "If I didn't smoke weed, I'd be Straight Edge too." I'm not here to judge you, but I am here to stick up for myself and my friends. I don't go around telling you that you need to be Straight Edge, but I always hear others saying "why do you have to label yourself, just have a beer and relax." The problem is that I am relaxed, I'm clear minded and I'm okay with it, YOU are not okay with MY choices.


September 13, 2007

Don't Lose Sight

Addiction kills the mind
And leaves you dependent
Chemicals of ill intention
Mixed to break you,
break your vision

Don't lose sight

With confidence to fight addiction
Take a second step
Stand among as we stand as one
Live Straight Edge

Until the day you die Straight Edge

Don't Lose Sight - Throwdown

September 7, 2007

Out of Step: Faces of Straight Edge

I've been meaning to blog about this particular book for a while now, and just kept forgetting. It will be coming out next month and looks to be a very positive and cool photography book that documents everyday Straight Edge people. The book is titled Out of Step: Faces of Straight Edge by Raymond McCrea Jones and will contain 66 photos. For more info check out the book blog.

They are having a book release party in Atlanta on October 6th.

I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

August 31, 2007

AFI Interview with SxE Questions

Straight Edge and Religion

Straight Edge began secular and eventually became part of many people's religious choices. One of the first connections to Straight Edge and religion came with Hare-Krishna and Krishnacore music. These two choices were brought together by Ray Cappo and Porcel. You can find Christian Straight Edge, such as the band xDEATHSTARx. Utah is home to many Mormon Straight Edge youths. While reading Straightedge Youth: Complexity And Contradictions of a Subculture I was shocked to find the connection between Satanism and Straight Edge, it shouldn't have been to much of a shock really since Satanism and rock have always had connections and SxE and religion are connected as well. Recently I came across a blog started to promote the idea of Muslim Straight Edge which I hope will bring a positive view to a community that already has a law against drinking.

Religion, because of it's laws about restriction and morality have found themselves easily identifiable by many who claim edge. However there is also a strong following in the SxE community to distance themselves from religion. Many believe that religion is a set of laws meant to control, that they aren't choices.

And then there are the outsiders of Straight Edge that believe that we feel we have some sort of moral high ground over them and are comparable to the Christian evangelist that preach down to non-Christians.

I myself am Jewish, and not kosher, and I do not feel my religion has much of an impact on my choice in claiming edge or the choices I make in continuing to live a Straight Edge Life.

My Life. My Choice. My Pride.

August 26, 2007

Sometimes I just hate New York!

Too many people getting in my way, car alarms going off all night long, crazy people shouting crap, screwed up subways.  Now I love New York for lots of other reasons too, one of which is also crazy people shouting.  But my hate for NYC led me to create this unique design I put on cafepress.com/iskullny as a t-shirt design.  It's stupid, but I wanted to make it for myself and figured I'd just let other people share in my hatred and misery.

August 23, 2007

Hulk Hogan loves Throwdown!

He may not, but he was sporting a Throwdown shirt on his show "Hogan Knows Best."  As I mentioned before I don't watch wrestling anymore, but I have to admit that the show is kind of funny and it's nostalgic to see the Hulkster.  Actually it's a shirt for a mixed martial arts company called Throwdown Industries; but it was definitely funny to see him wearing a shirt that made me think about whether or not Hulk has been listening to Straight Edge Metalcore.  I figured with the advent of Straight Edge athletes in both wrestling and baseball maybe even Hulk Hogan would claim Edge.

And speaking of Throwdown, check out this review of the new Throwdown album Venom & Tears.

August 20, 2007

Beer and Bears, what a combo!

Apparently no one told people that drinking beer and playing with bears was not smart.  But then I guess those that someone that would drink enough beer to go into a cage of bears wouldn't have listened anyway.  A 23 year old man was half-eaten by bears at the Belgrade Zoo during the annual beer festival.  "Only an idiot would jump into the bear cage," zoo director Vuk Bojovic told Reuters.

August 17, 2007

Can You Overdose From Caffeine?

Yes.  As a 17 year old girl from England can attest to, as she drank seven double measures of espresso and began to hyperventilate and have heart palpitations.  Certainly it seems that limiting ones intake of caffeine is a wise idea.  Despite the fact that my own family owns a small coffee shop chain, I've probably only had a half dozen cups in my life.  I still intake caffeine but only in small doses when it's in chocolate or the occasional soda or tea.  I've thought of stopping all together but I feel that the effects on my body with respect to the small doses of caffeine are not quite the same as small doses of alcohol or drugs.  I'd like to know where other people stand on the issue of caffeine and Straight Edge, so drop a comment with your opinion.

August 15, 2007

Getting your tat in Rolling Stone isn't as cool as it sounds

Journalistic Integrity gets thrown aside as Rolling Stone aims at the Tiger Beat scene with their latest issue. I was contacted about two weeks ago about having pictures of myself used in a magazine article. The request came from a guy, (I won't mention his name) that claimed to be Straight Edge, to print photos I had in my flickr.com account. The photos were of me getting tattooed by "Old School" Alex and one of me posing with an X on my hand. This guy claimed that the article was to be about Straight Edge and Hardcore. Well after sending him and his editor (I won't mention her name either) high-res versions of the photos I was pretty excited. This was to be the second time I was to be in Rolling Stone, I was involved with the IVAW as their first web master when they first started as an anti-war group, but that article never got published as Rolling Stone didn't want to deal with the anti-war movement at the time; So I didn't put a blog posting here about it at the time I was contacted as I just assumed this article wouldn't get published either knowing my luck.

I received two free copies of the magazine via courier on Friday, the cover looked like a sad attempt to target fifteen year old girls, and I flipped through to find my photo. The article centralized on FSU and gang violence, and a fight involving Alex that ended in the death of guy at a show that both attended. I was pretty upset to say the least that I was lied to by Rolling Stone just so that they could get a picture of Alex putting an X on someone; So that they could say that many FSU members get X tattoos. First of all I'm not part of FSU and I don't condone violence, Straight Edge to me is about keeping my self poison free. Second the article made it seem that the photo came from bmeink.com which as I mentioned is not the case. Third, I am very annoyed that they would go through all that trouble just for a photo that really had nothing to do with the article. I contacted the editor about the article and all she had to say was that the article was "fair and balanced."

Alex is a friend of mine and I'm very happy to have gotten my tattoo from him especially at a tattoo shop in my neighborhood in Brooklyn. No one beyond those at the fight knows what happened, and Alex has not even been charged with a crime yet. So I hope everything works out well for Alex, I am saddened that a death occurred at a hardcore show, and I hope Rolling Stone learns how to act more like a rock mag and less like Fox News for tweens.

August 9, 2007

Why Are You So Angry?

Some people ask me sometimes why I get so angry or annoyed so easily. Try as I might I can't seem to be a completely relaxed and calm person. My answer seems to be: "Have you seen the world we live in?"

I want to move to a new planet.

July 30, 2007

All Else Failed, Myself, and YouTube!

A little while ago a friend and I went to see All Else Failed at ABC No Rio, and he just found this video of them singing their Vision of Disorder cover. I'm partially visible on the left side in a black jacket leaning against the wall (wow I made it onto YouTube; not that I'm actually excited by that, but this was a great show!)

July 27, 2007

Break Down The Walls

I used to think that label were just symbol of pride
But over time I've seen they only serve to divide
It's so easy to judge people by the way they seem to be
We must overcome this problem to live life peacefully
Break down the walls!
Yes, we'll break down the walls!
Look beyond the fashion or the crowd that they are in
Look beyond their riches or the color of their skin
Look beyond appearance and the truth you will find
Look for what's inside before you make up your mind
Break down the walls!
We'll break down the walls!

Break Down The Walls - Youth of Today


I have only a few friends that are Straight Edge in real life, but over the Internet I've found so many more SxE friends. The community of Edgers online has given me more since of brotherhood and sisterhood that I didn't know really existed offline since I didn't have that many friends that claimed. There is definitely a community online that are more militant or anti in their goals, but I think that it seems to me that there are a number of great posi groups as well. Unfortunately a few of the good places online have become virtual ghosttowns, but that's life on the net.

Some great online communities that I like to visit and wander through:
Live Journal SxE Community
X Sisterhood X
SxE.com Forums

July 24, 2007

Straight Edge Wrestling

It's probably been about 18 years since I've watched wrestling longer than 5 minutes. But since I've had this blog I've kept up a bit with the ECW wrestler C.M. Punk who is Straight Edge. Surprisingly it's not a gimmick, he has quite a few SxE tattoos and listens to punk music. Here's a pretty decent interview with him from the Baltimore Sun.

Update: I was in a toy store the other day and found a C.M. Punk Action Figure and today just found out that he even has his own line of Hardcore Straight Edge merchandise on the WWE website. It was cool to see an action figure with straight edge tattoos.

July 19, 2007


So it's been just over one year since I launched this blog.  I wasn't sure how much people would care to comment on my entries or even to read what I have.  But I get emails every now and then and a few comments on some posts, not as much as I would like, but then again this isn't gizmodo.  Straight Edge is alive and kicking all across the globe so I'm going to continue to post and put out my thoughts.  I'd like to add that I'd like everyone that reads this to comment back with any cool Straight Edge sites you like to visit or any thing else about Straight Edge you've come across on the net.


July 2, 2007

Alcohol in Mouthwash and Food

So Crest recently introduced an alcohol free mouthwash.  It made me think about how others that are Straight Edge deal with products or food that contain alcohol.  I use regular mouthwash with alcohol because it's purpose is for cleaning and it's effective at what it does.  I do however avoid foods that contain alcohol when the original purpose of the alcohol was for drinking, such as rum or whiskey.  If it's a cooking alcohol, like cooking rice wine (as used in teriyaki sauce), then I am okay with that since the alcohol is burned off and and the reason behind using it is purely for chemistry and not to taste like something like rum.  So I'm curious to know what other's out there that are Straight Edge think about this and what are your personal beliefs, will you switch to an alcohol free mouthwash?  Do you avoid all foods that contain alcohol?

June 12, 2007

Straight Edge on TV

HBO has a show about polygamy called 'Big Love', I've never seen it, but I just saw the posters around New York. Turns out as part of the new season one of the characters is considering joining Straight Edge (because as you all know it's a cult that you join) after being guilty over having sex (based on what I gathered from the synopsis of the episode Reunion, which stars a "Straight Edge Tattoo Artist."

I think having Straight Edge on TV is a good thing, but that is only if it's portrayed properly. I doubt it will as SxE is considered a 'gang' in Utah and is often seen as violent by the media.

May 24, 2007

When in Rome...Make Your Own Choices

Many people that dislike Straight Edge or SxE people say that we shouldn't push our beliefs on them, that we should not make a statement about what we don't do. I think this is a rather limited and thoughtless way to think. This usually comes about when people talk about music, they feel that SxE bands don't have to talk about not drinking all the time. To me they just don't see their own music for what it is. Just listen to a Dropkick Murphy's album (I love them, so I'm not bashing them, just using them for a demonstration here) or many of today's rap albums and hear the amount of lyrics devoted to drinking and promiscuous sex. But I guess since everyone's doing it then it's okay. When in Rome do as the Romans do, right? Seems to me that when something is right in front of you and it's something you like, you don't notice how often it's slammed down your throat, or how much society tells you that it's okay. It's our choice to be Straight Edge, and when you listen to a SxE band and get annoyed for them saying they're Drug Free, it's your choice to turn it off. The same people that slam SxE are the same people that scream Freedom of Speech when Imus said crap on the radio. If you'd rather listen to people sing about getting drunk or f*cking hos, then that's your business. Me, I'd rather listen to something positive and uplifting, and now I think it's time to listen to some old school Youth of Today.

May 23, 2007

Different Directions

Let's keep it clear what I need from you is just a little space
Don't understand the goals I've set
Or the choices that I've made
Days fly by in the blink of an eye
And I find that years have past
Can't spend my life chasing expectations you've set

Let's keep it clear what I need from you is just a little space
Don't understand the goals I've set
Or the choices that I've made
Years fly by in the blink of an eye
And I'll find that I've grown old
So much to do and so little time
And I can't live these days for you
That's not the way I want to live

So I'm always going to push it away
You need to give me room to breathe
I want to live, live the life that I know is right for me
I want to live, and I know my mistakes
Are just lessons learned
I want to live, live the life that I know is right for me, drug free
I want to live, can't you see what's right?
If it's not my choice then it's not my life

And I want to live, live my own life

Different Directions - Champion ~ Different Directions: The Last Show

May 22, 2007

The Last of Champion

So Champion has finally called it quits and leaves us with a an audio visual sampler of better days.
I found a nice review of the disc, on Mammoth Press, by a non-straight edge reviewer that acutally respected the band despite his differences. It's nice to read a review that actually focuses on the music and doesn't say "well i hate straight edge, so i hate this new CD" I only have one or two previous Champion CDs, so I'm sure that I'll get this soon.

May 16, 2007

Smoking, the MPAA & the American Lung Association

The MPAA announced that they will give new movies R ratings for showing images of people smoking (however the rating isn't mandatory.) Granted I agree with the American Lung Association that smoking in movies and TV shows is sometimes portrayed as sexy and cool (almost every episode of America's Next Top Model (my girlfriend watches it) shows the models lounging and smoking), but I'm not sure that it warrants an R rating. Definitely no G or PG movie should portray it in a cool way, but what about Cruella Deville, she's certainly not the image of beauty she thinks she is, and the fact that she smokes is a sure indicator of her unatractiveness (pretty much only adults think she's cool.) I think the context and situation should indicate the rating. I don't think an X-Files movie that features the smoking man should automatically be rated R, but if a new Bogart movie was to be shot today any character he would play shouldn't smoke unless it's an R movie. I know that parents are supposed to teach their children right from wrong, but as a country we need to also say that certain things are just not right for anyone.

I would like to know what the rules are for movies that feature alcohol and drunk driving. I'm going to have to do a little research, cause I think that's something that warrants stricter ratings in my opinion when you take into account underage drinking.

Update: I wanted to add something else to this. MOVIE RATINGS ARE NOT CENSORSHIP!!! People can watch any movie they want. Movie ratings only disallow children from viewing certain movies until they are adults and are capable of making decisions for themselves.

May 8, 2007

Straight Edge Fest

The third annual Straight Edge Fest will be on July 7th in Auburn, NY. I wish I could make it but I already made plans for that day that I can't break. I only heard about the Fest last year after it happened and hoped to get a chance to go up this year. I hope everyone that goes has a great time.

Straight Edge Fest

April 30, 2007

No more Xs if you stop vomiting

I'm sick of all the people that say that they hate Straight Edgers cause they "have to belong to something" and because they put Xs on their bodies. They say that by putting an X on my body I'm pushing my views on them, that I'm making a public statement about my beliefs.

Well I'm putting it out here now that I will stop putting Xs on my hands and wearing Straight Edge clothing if everyone that is not Straight Edge will no longer drink in front of anyone that is Straight Edge, that means when I'm out you can't drink, cause that drink is in my face, and that when I'm out on the street you won't stumble out of a bar and vomit on the sidewalk. You won't wear alcohol sponsoring clothing, you won't smoke in public, you won't be hung-over in public.

I'll also stop belonging to my beliefs if you stop taking pride in things you can't control. Stop being proud of your genetics or where you were born. How can you be proud of being American, Irish, Native American; how can you be proud to be American or Male or Female or White or Black? Sure you can be proud of the people that chose to stand up for the freedoms that you now have, you can be proud of the commitment your ancestors took to defend their beliefs and way of life, but you can't be proud to just belonging because you were born that way. If you stop that then I'll stop being proud of my choices and commitments to myself.

So if you don't put your drinking, smoking, f*cking and being proud of your genetics in my face I won't put my Xs in yours! I'll stop making choices about my life, so that you can be happy about your life.

April 26, 2007

Straight Talk on Straight Edge

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

videos by c.s. spence

April 23, 2007

SxE Baseball Player

It's great when a positive role model of Straight Edge can be seen outside the Hardcore scene. Not to say anything bad about hardcore. But when the media general always has something bad to say about SxE such as that Utah SxE kid getting 20 years for a 1998 stabbing (but read the comments, I really need to learn more about this particular incident) it really makes you proud to hear about someone that is truly posi.

So hear I want to talk about C.J. Wilson, a pitcher for the Texas Rangers and someone that is truly proud to be Straight Edge. He has a few SxE tattoos and something that I think is definitely awesome is that he has XXX stitched into his glove. C.J. is also a Taoist, and a college film major that will actually be doing new commercials for the team himself.

April 22, 2007


Some people like to say that being Straight Edge is stupid, because you are just following what some guy said in a song. True, it was just lyrics in a song, i guess it's not as good as words in a book (like the bible) or a speech on a podium (like everyman that did something good or bad for America). I guess lyrics aren't important, and music is a pointless wasted en devour of the mindless youth. But those that say these things are wrong. Yes, it is true that Ian MacKaye never meant to start some worldwide following, but his lyrics rang true with disillusioned youth.

From the start of his words and the label Straight Edge sprang forth many other like minded youths that believed that being clean of body was more important than being so called "punk." It would seem to me that those that believed in the punk lifestyle were just following the trends of being punk and following into the rebellious lifestyle of their parents and the "man." They drank the beer and smoked the cigarettes of huge alcohol and big tobacco corporations, fueling the pockets of the elite while they destroyed their bodies. They did the same things their parents did. Being Straight Edge was something different, it went against the grain, saying "Hey I don't have to be like you."

Sure, everyone that took that claim to be Straight Edge is following the words of someone else now, but wise words are worth listening to. I say it's a smarter man that listens and heads rather than burying his head in the ground just to say I'm not a follower. So get wasted and blacken your lungs (like your friends that pressured you into it in the first place) and believe you are no sheep.

But you see I chose to be Edge for me and at a time when I personally didn't know any one that was still Edge. Now I have friends that claim, but for them it was the same as me, they came to a realization that being poison free was the right choice for them. So I don't write this to say I'm better than you, I write this to say I'm better than I was. I may follow another man's words, but I chose willing with a clear mind to listen.

April 2, 2007

Three New York Teachers Busted for Smoking Pot

Three public high school teachers were arrested and charged when they were caught by police smoking pot outside an Allman Brothers concert. The school board is just moving them to other schools while they investigate. I just hope that they fire these teachers, as they apparently are not good role models for the students they are supposed to be teaching. You can read about in amNY.

March 21, 2007

Music Sales are down, why?

Why? Because most music out there just plain sucks. I'm sick of reading articles about music sales being down and the simple answer not even being approached. When you slam everyone out there with the same old thing repackaged and blended and refaced with a crappier knock-off wanna be band you are going to get a decline in sales. People are sick of this kind of crap being shoved down our throats. The simple fact is that with the onslaught of myspace and other resources to listen to music (legally, at least this last article didn't go on about how illegal downloads are the cause, which is clearly a bullshit answer; and onto this continuing tangent I don't download illegal music because I care about the bands I listen to and buy their CDs and go to their shows) whenever we want we only listen to the single and nothing else.

This is due to the afore mentioned reason that most music sucks. Typically the single is the only decent (if that) song that is put out and it's so easily accessible that we don't care for the rest of the filler. Now just because I listen to a lot of hardcore and punk, don't peg me as hating all pop music. I like some of it, but only when it's actually good, which is very very rare these days.

If the record label marketing machines would actually care about a band and focus on them to put out quality and help build them up as a band and not a resource they would get more from their respective audiences. Instead of jumping to the next best thing which is a repackaged version of the last thing they need to make us want to create a connection with a band and continue to buy their music. Maybe one day they'll get it, but I have my doubts.

March 11, 2007

Energetic Hardcore at it's Best

ABC No Rio puts on amazing shows. Despite being sadly disappointed by 11.22, the rest of the lineup was great (Ed Gein wasn't able to make it to the show) I originally went to see 11.22 but they didn't seem to have very much energy and didn't sound all that great either. All Else Failed was beyond unbelievable; they put on a fantastic set that got the crowd energized and emotional. When they covered Suffer by Vision of Disorder everything I'd seen before paled in comparison, everyone piled on top of each other to get a chance to sing. They even did an encore song, something you never really see at a hardcore show all that much (this isn't arena rock.)

I was very pleased to see a lot of straight edge guys and girls out at the show. That always makes me happy, especially when I see some that are older than me and have been edge for so long. It's also great to see younger new blood that have claimed edge.

One of the other opening bands was a NJ group called In First Person. They were very tight, and put everything they had into that set. They're playing in Brooklyn in May; I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them again.

March 7, 2007


While reading some things on the net the other day I came across someone slamming Straight Edge as anti-choice. That to me seems completely absurd. If anything SxE is about choice. It's my choice to be poison free and to choose to not drink. People that say that SxE is anti-choice are just pissed because they can't be strong enough to make a choice other than to be a sheeple and follow the crowd. They are jealous of people that make choices different from theirs.
Sure their are some Edgers that try to force their beliefs on others, but there are FAR MORE non-edgers forcing their beliefs on others to drink, smoke, and do drugs. But it's easier to point fingers at the minority and the different than to look inside and realize one's own failures.

It takes a strong f*cking person to hold your ground. ~ Gorilla Biscuits

Now this isn't to say that people that choose to drink are failures, it's the people that don't choose and still drink that are failures, the people that drink and make excuses about it, the people that drink and try to pressure others into drinking, these kinds of people are the failures.

My Life. My Choice. My Pride.

March 5, 2007

Political Straight Edge Hardcore at ABC No Rio this Saturday

This saturday at ABC No Rio should be an awesome hardcore show. Ex-The Promise/Turmoil members will be playing in 11.22, a political SxE band along with All Else Failed and Ed Gein. My friend saw both AEF and Ed Gein a few years back at ABC and said that the show was amazing. So I can't wait to go this weekend. I haven't seen an SxE band in a little while so this will be great. I'll be there X'd up, come and check out the show if you're in the area.

February 28, 2007

The Promise - What Does Straight Edge Mean?

I came across a great interview with the promise while trying to find the lyrics for my last post. You can find the interview at Quebec Hardcore, but here is the part that stuck with me:

The Promise proudly declares itself to be a Straight Edge band. How do you (as a band or individually) define Straight Edge? What does Straight Edge mean to you and what has kept you unfazed over the years in the face of change and adversity? Also what's your opinion on longtime Straight Edge bands who have changed their course of action and no longer believe in it? Are there any bands you know of, for that matter, who are still keeping it real?
Buske: For all of us, Straight Edge is a lifetime commitment we have made with ourselves to live free from substance abuse. Everyone, aside from Derrick, has had their share of abuse or usage and we have seen that this (being Straight Edge) is the most productive and the healthiest path to take. I've watched people rot away and I've lost friends to suicide due to their drug usage. I have close friends that are alcoholics and I've watched, first hand, these people go from rags to somewhat ruin and it's fucking horrible. Those instances, the ones that hit home the most, are the ones that keep me clean and clinging to Straight Edge. Times change, people change, that's all good. Straight Edge isn't meant for everybody and if you fail, you fail. I have no problems with people who "sell out", I have best friends who are notorious for their edge that are no longer Straight Edge. When it becomes a problem is when people fall off and the shit talking begins. People make mistakes, it's human nature, but to bad mouth one of the best decisions anyone could make to better themselves and to down play those of us who still care, that's where the problem begins. As for bands, there's actually quite a few that are keeping it real. Our War, Impact, Champion, Downpour, First Blood to name just a few.

Anderson: Bands are no different than kids selling out. That’s what a band is made of, kids. The only problem is that there is documented proof of their Straight Edge “phase”. Naturally, everyone’s first instinct is to belittle their past. It’s disheartening to watch that happen. I’m all for a person doing what’s right and true to them, that’s what hardcore is about. However, they have to realize life does not start and stop at their leisure. You may have moved on but many of us haven’t. We’re still here and we’re staying.

Eyes Wide Shut

Everything we hold so dear,
it turns to dust.
We take and take give nothing back,
except no cost.
Too caught up in ourselves.
And where we're at.
Complacency to hostility,
we can't turn back.
Our eyes wide shut.
Our eyes are now wide shut.
Everything we hold so dear,
it turns to dust,
we take and take,
give nothing back,
all hope is lost.
I know it's not all easy,
and I know at times we're scared.
But I know what we can achieve,
if we really dare.
Just take the time to look beyond.
Our eyes wide shut.

"Eyes Wide Shut" - The Promise ~ Believer

February 25, 2007


Just when I was having a fine day I come across shit like this:

F*cking C*nts!

SxE Link of the Week


February 1, 2007

Breaking Edge

What does breaking edge really mean? Can you drink once or smoke pot once or have a one night stand and still be straight edge? What if you slip up, something sets you off, you make a bad judgment, fall to peer pressure, something really bad happens to you or someone close to you?

A bit ago I was talking with some friends, some SxE and some not, and we discussed this point. I originally felt that you couldn't claim edge again if you broke edge. But I think now that breaking edge is a more deliberate and conscious decision. Failing at staying Straight Edge shouldn't be looked at as a strict declaration of un-claiming edge. If you did something un-edge with the thought that you can re-claim afterwards then you broke edge. Life throws A LOT of crap at us, and being perfect is impossible, so expecting yourself to never fall prey to something that drives you over the edge (no pun intended) would be way to pious of anyone.

So I think as long as understand why you failed to stay edge for that moment in time and make a re-commitment to being Straight Edge then you can continue to claim and still be TRUExTILLxDEATH.

January 28, 2007

Straight Edge Revenge

Straight Edge Link of the Week

Straight Edge Videos on YouTube

Brain Damage is a Cure for Smoking

Now don't take this news the wrong way and go around smashing smokers with baseball bats. But it seems that brain damage is a cure for smoking addiction. Now I'm sure brain damage is a cure for a lot of things like stress (imagine how less stressful life would be if your brain was damaged and you didn't understand anything anymore.)

Hopefully this will lead to figuring out how inhibiting a certain part of the brain can lead to ending nicotine addiction. Now we just need a cure for ignorance and the vile evil that is the tobacco industry and their devil worshiping lobbyists.

January 24, 2007

free sxe chat

So I've been looking at the logs for my blog over the last few month, nicely provided by statcounter.com. Typically these logs can give you insight to your visitors, help you provide what people are looking for and get an idea as to what people seem to like most. Some interesting things are that people quite often look for SxE tattoos and AIM icons. And the most commonly searched for lyrics that hit my site are those for Something More Than Ink.

But the most interesting and funny thing is the amount of hits I get from the Middle East. It seems that they are most likely not interested in Straight Edge and are too hurried to spell check. Some of the best search terms are: free sxe chat, hot sxe, sxe tv, live sxe, sxe zoo free.

So be sure to spell check when you search for sxe and i guess not to search on xxx unless you have google's filters on if you actually want to look for Straight Edge info.

January 23, 2007

One Life, One Chance

what if i said i was an accident waiting to happen
would i trip and fall
fall on my words and would you say
say that i was wrong my words were out of place
went where i didn't belong

this to me is fact and fiction plays a role
confusing situations that i can't control
the heart of matter
it beats with pride
sometime i wear it on my sleeve
sometimes i keep it inside

and no one said it was gonna be easy
and i'm not afraid to try
and with the odds stacked up against me
i will have to fight
one life, one chance
gotta do it right!

and i can't let fate dictate what's best for me
gotta take control of my own destiny
you can't relate
you think there's no escape
but i got everything at stake
here just to prove you wrong

and no one said it was gonna be easy
and i'm not afraid to try
and with the odds stacked up against me
i will have to fight
one life, one chance
gotta do it right!
one life, one chance
gotta do it right!
one life, one chance
gotta do it right!

one life, one chance
gotta do it right!
gotta do it right!

"One Life, One Chance" - H20

January 10, 2007

Anger and Poison Free

A friend of mine had a rather crappy situation on New Year's Eve with a pothead. My friend isn't Straight Edge, but she's very adamant about her distaste of drugs and drug use. This pothead kept trying to get her to smoke, she insisted to him several times to stop. And her boyfriend even told him to stop, but he kept being a jerk. I'm not a violent person, so I'd never condone fighting, although sometimes it'd feel real good to punch an ass like that right in the face.

I've been trying to ease up on my anger with people like that, it's just not healthy. Being poison free to me also means removing the anger you have that can poison your attitude and outlook on life. I think that anger and stress are sometimes the most poisonous things in our life. I know that I get pretty stressed out a lot, and sometimes get very annoyed and angry with things I know that I should ignore. I've decided that I need to just not let things bother me that I can't control, and I need to ignore people that are poisonous.

Some people are just ignorant and poison filled and they only make your life worse if you keep them around or let them in to your life.

January 2, 2007

Amazing Illustrator

I've always loved fantasy art and fairy art. Brian Froud is one of my favourite fantasy artists (hopefully the Dark Crystal sequel will be good.) Surprisingly as if it was meant to be I met a beautiful woman on the subway in Brooklyn that is an amazing fantasy art illustrator. We have been dating now for two months, she isn't Straight Edge but is very respectful of my choice to be Straight Edge. When we met I didn't tell her I was SxE, but I gave her my myspace page which obviously speaks about being SxE. After she found out that I was Straight Edge she asked me what it meant to me before making any judgment, and I explained my views and how they're personal to me. I was very happy that she wanted to know what it meant to me and how it affects my relationships with others, because I try to make sure that my choices don't interfere with my friends or people I date.